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Salma Ahmad Caller is an artist and a hybrid of cultures and faiths. She is drawn to hybrid and ornamental forms, and to how the body expresses itself in the mind to create an embodied ‘image’. UK-based, she was born in Iraq to an Egyptian father and…

Tags: Contemporary Irish Poetry, Translated Poetry, Ireland, Digital, Web Resource, Open Source Contemporary Irish Poetry, Translated Poetry, Ireland, Digital, Web Resource, Open Source Contemporary Irish Poetry, Translated Poetry, Ireland, Digital, Web Resource, Open Source Contemporary Irish Poetry, Translated Poetry, Ireland, Digital, Web Resource, Open Source Contemporary Irish Poetry, Translated Poetry, Ireland, Digital, Web Resource, Open Source Contemporary Irish Poetry, Translated Poetry, Ireland, Digital, Web Resource, Open Source Contemporary Irish Poetry, Translated Poetry, Ireland, Digital, Web Resource, Open Source Contemporary Irish Poetry, Translated Poetry, Ireland, Digital, Web Resource, Open Source Contemporary Irish Poetry, Translated Poetry, Ireland, Digital, Web Resource, Open Source Contemporary Irish Poetry, Translated Poetry, Ireland, Digital, Web Resource, Open Source Contemporary Irish Poetry, Translated Poetry, Ireland, Digital, Web Resource, Open Source Contemporary Irish Poetry, Translated Poetry, Ireland, Digital, Web Resource, Open Source Contemporary Irish Poetry, Translated Poetry, Ireland, Digital, Web Resource, Open Source Contemporary Irish Poetry, Translated Poetry, Ireland, Digital, Web Resource, Open Source Contemporary Irish Poetry, Translated Poetry, Ireland, Digital, Web Resource, Open Source Contemporary Irish Poetry, Translated Poetry, Ireland, Digital, Web Resource, Open Source Contemporary Irish Poetry, Translated Poetry, Ireland, Digital, Web Resource, Open Source Contemporary Irish Poetry, Translated Poetry, Ireland, Digital, Web Resource, Open Source

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