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Pierre Joris' translations of Paul Celan include Breathturn Into Timestead, The Collected Later Poetry, A Bilingual Edition Translated and with Commentary by Pierre Joris, Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2014Microliths They are, Little Stones, Contra…

from ‘Microliths’  I would like to thank Pierre Joris for his translation of Microliths. These translations are © Pierre Joris161 Re­memberingalso pre­membering, pre­thinking and storing of what could be Yeats: I certainly owe more to that poet than…

____________ [These are Celan’s first notes toward the conference project “On the Darkness of Poetry” which remained unfinished.] Pjoris 240 240.1 || Mysticism as wordlessness Poetry as form 241.2 The poem is…
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